• Have any questions?
  • 9567226315 or 7034230835
  • chembilodehsscom@gmail.com

Chembilode Higher Secondary School was established in 1976.

Why Us?

Our vision is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children will recognize and achieve their fullest potential, so that they make their best contribution to society.
Chembilode HSS aims to provide a healthy environment for the all round development of students in both curricular and co-curricular activities.
Students' knowledge is not only improved by the basic education. Hence, we provide the best facilities like library, computer lab, smart class rooms and laborataries.

About Chembilode HSS

It is indeed a great pleasure to be a part of Chembilode Higher Secondary School, Thalavil, Kannur. Joining Chembilode HSS, provides unique oppurtunities to the children to exhibit their hidden talents. Our school provides quality & upgraded educational reforms to meet the current challenges in education from base. I wish the principal, teachers, staff, & the students all success in their endeavors. Chembilode HSS aims to provide a healthy environment for the all round development of students in both curricular and co-curricular activities. We offer 100% Free Education and we belive it is the right of every student.

Our Courses

8th TO 10th (High School)

Malayalam/English Medium


Plus One/Plus Two (Higher Secondary)


Plus One/Plus Two (Higher Secondary)


Plus One/Plus Two (Higher Secondary)

Computer Science

Plus One/Plus Two (Higher Secondary)